Tools and Materials | Winding the Coils | Cutting the Rings | Knitting the Maille | List of Weaves
My Armour Project | My Other Projects | Accessories | List of Armour Terms

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This page is currently under construction.
Please be patient while I get it working.

Arthur Agast
“I am working on it.  Don't be so impatient.”

Welcome to Maille Call.  If you have come to learn the art of making maille (chainmail), then you have come to the right place.  Maille call has detailed instruction on how you (YES! YOU!) can take some ordinary hardware store wire and turn it into beautiful medieval armour.

It is important to note that NONE OF THE PIECES SHOWN ON THIS SITE ARE FOR SALE.  If you are looking to buy stuff, I am afraid you are going to have to look somewhere else.

What’s New?

Well, the most important thing that is new is Maille Call’s new location at is my own domain, at least for the next year and a half, so users will be happy to notice that there are no more ads.


This site is a member of WebRing. 
To browse visit Here.